Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy 31st Anniversary Pa and Ma!

Today is my parent's published wedding date. They are going 31 years strong! I say published because today is the recorded date on their Marriage Certificate. They claim that it's actually January 30. But correct date or not, I want to honor my parents with this -

Dear Papa and Mama,

Thank you for giving us our lives, for having our family. And just the same, thank you for giving us your lives - for wanting the best for us, for praying for our success, for keeping up with our worsts.

I could not thank you enough for the unconditional love you gave to us - Keek and I. It's cliche to mention this but heck it's all true -we will never be here if not for the sacrifices you've made. ANd making it through all those years of "without" I'm proud that both of you managed to stick through. There were times I made myself clear that ours is not a dream set-up, but let me tell you both - we know you pulled through for us and we are grateful for that. I pray it'll be over soon, this coming and going, it was so frustrating to see you both part ways when all I can see are two people really wanting to be with each other.  Thank you for working so hard just so we can have all opportunities come our way. Thank you for the prayers when we need them the most, for listening, for not letting go, for not rubbing in our shortcomings, and for crying with us. Much more, thank you for loving Psalm, eagerly giving him love and keeping him company when in the busiest of my hours I can't.

Above all, thank you for leading us to Christ! This is the best inheritance we have received from you and one that Psalm and my future kids will live with. God has blessed us with wonderful parents and we pray to become Godly parents too. We love you Mama and Papa. Happy Anniversary!

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